Thursday, November 12, 2009


Men A
1. Ali Goulet
2. Sam Krieg
3. Bo Pitkin
4. Art O’Conner
5. Eric Rasmussen
6. Aaron Phillips
7. Alec Sim
8. Kelly Glenn
9. Jesse Gordon
10. Brad Keyes
11. Brian Hestleme
12. Kris Arnott
13. Ken Cost
14. Mark Pastering
15. Sam Moore
16. Arthur Morris
17. Stephen Brown
18. Zan Freebairn
19. Reed Wycoff
20. Jeremy Collins
21. Ted Tabs
22. Keegan Swenson
23. Jonathan Kinzinger
24. Richard Kenonu

Women A
1. Kris Walker
2. Zephanie Blasi
3. Dayna Deutar
4. Erika Powers
5. Meara McChlenahan

Men B
1. Travis Michelson
2. Brian Cadman
3. Ryan Oliver
4. Jordan Swenson
5. Andrew Branuam
6. Brian Avery
7. Bob Walker
8. Ted Tabs
9. Steven Lewis
10. Louis Melini
11. Dave Benson
12. John Thomas
13. Chris Magerl
14. Chad Vansolkema
15. Rob Hanel
16. Jason Okuhara
17. James Fox
19. Jason Halverson
20. Shawn Haran
21. Seth Lilavivat
22. Perry Brown
23. Dan Colench
24. John Metz
25. Andrew Hypio
26. Carl Irwin
27. Drew Demarco
28. Patrick McKnight
29. Drew Doll
30. Jason Hawkins

Women B
1. Rachel Cieslewicz
2. Jennie Wade
3. Rhonda Hypio

Men C
1. Joseph Johnson
2. Chad Vansolkema
3. Andrew Love
4. Doug Close
5. John Karren
6. Dan Nightingale
7. Derek Horejas
8. Dominic Archibeque
9. Xavier Archibeque
10. Scott Black

Women C
1. Amber Hatfield
2. Melanie Gladding

1. Nathan Greeneisen
2. Keegan Richardson
3. Gracie Cornaby
4. Kyle Greeneisen

1 comment:

Jennie said...

great race! I loved the course and it was great to race with the guys again. One thing that was a little missleading....
The categories for the women should be a bit more clear. the B group listed A and B women and the A group listed superfly women. In the regular utah cross series I race with the A's. I'm usually in the back of the pack so when I saw the categories for this race I know I was not even close to a superfly woman such as Kris,Dayna, and Erika, SO I signed up for the A and B woman category ( since I'm an A). However, when the results came out the a and b category was listed as just women's B.
If I knew this is how the categories were really perceived then I would have race in the superfly so I wouldn't come across as a sandbagger.
Just a heads up for next year.
Thanks for putting on a great race!